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County Case Study - Learning Through Technology Connections

A Comparison of Schools in China and America


Junling Song

EDTC 645


When I made the decision to conduct this research and develop this project, it was initially driven by my desire to reacquaint myself with education in my native country of China. I was intrigued by the question of how the integration of technology has changed the structure and instructional programs in China. As I conducted more research, I was awakened by the importance of globalized education and the important role this can play in education, economics, cultural growth throughout the world. As a result, I sought to compare and contrast the success of the integration and use of technology in China's schools by investigating the work of two Chinese educators who teach different subjects in schools located in different regions. My focus was to connect two classrooms on a global basis to learn how this could impact the thinking of students from different cultures that are worlds apart. I was very much interested in how they would interact, collaborate, and more importantly if they could communicate effectively. As an educator, I wanted to learn directly from my counterparts about their experiences with professional development, available resources, interest in global learning, as well as their perspectives on the importance of technology in education.

(MSFTGlobalConnect, 2019, 03:15–05:21)

2019 Spring, EDTC 645|UMUC

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