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County Case Study - Learning Through Technology Connections

A Comparison of Schools in China and America

School Bios


School X - America

  • School X High School is located in Rockville, Maryland, which is located in a suburb in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. It has an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students.

  • Demographics:

    • White: 29.5%​

    • African American: 17.5%

    • Hispanic: 23.4%

    • Asian: 24.7%

    • Others: <5%

  • FARM: 20%

  • ESOL: 8.6%

  • SPED: 5.1%

No.3 High.jpg

Harbin No.3 High School - China

No. 3 High School is located in Harbin City, the capital of Heilongjiang province in the northern region of China.


The school has two campuses. One is located in the center of Harbin, Nangang District, and the other one is located in the Qunli subdistrict of Daoli District. Admission is given based on test results, selecting the top of 1% students.


The school has 92 classes (3 levels in total) and about 3,500 students. Its university admission rate is approximately 95%.

In 2008, Harbin No.3 High School set up a Euro-American Cultural Exchange Center, using the Global Assessment Certificate (GAC), and the primary program of American College Test (ACT) Education Solutions.


Jiangnan HighSchool - China

Jiangnan High School is located in a suburb area of Zhejiang province in the southern region of China. 


According to the Interviewee, Ms. Wen said that education quality has been improved continuously over the past 20 years. Not only it ranks top five among the suburban area but also wins its reputation and people’s trust in Zhejiang Province.

2019 Spring, EDTC 645|UMUC

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