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County Case Study - Learning Through Technology Connections

A Comparison of Schools in China and America


Through my extensive interviews and discussions with my Chinese colleagues, I learned that they face many of the same challenges and issues in their efforts to capitalize on the growing advancements in technology that could enhance student performance in the classroom.


  • One of the main issues we share is that of continuous professional development for teachers in order to keep pace with the innovations in educational hardware and software.

    • In China the educators shared that while there is continuous effort to provide professional development across the nation, it needs to be more organized and specific to the work being done in a given region or school district.

    • In my school system, there are many opportunities to improve knowledge and skills around the integration of technology in education. However, many of these opportunities are through online classes which compete with the time needed to be effective in many other areas of our work. These opportunities do not allow for the engaging interactions between teachers and students in the classes.


  • In addition the availability of devices and software seems not to present a significant issue for either country. In both countries there appears to be adequate access to the Internet and other platforms that can be used by students to research and gain meaningful exposure to relevant information.


  • Another major area of concern that seems to pose problems in both the United States and China is that of equity. Poverty or socioeconomic status seems to impact services and resources provided to various regions or communities. In many urban schools in the United States technology the resources pale in comparison to the resources available to students in more affluent communities. In China schools in rural regions do not have nearly the technology opportunities in their classrooms as those in the largest cities. The idea of equity in education is an issue that appears to have global ramifications and perhaps this type of project will open eyes to the need for a worldwide focus on disproportionality of equal access in the use of technology in the classroom.

2019 Spring, EDTC 645|UMUC

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