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Web 2.0 Tool #1 Prezi

Student work sample

Prezi is a web-based tool that allows users not only to create a presentation using canvas layout, but also to zoom in and out of different clips to show the relationships from a point of view. Prezi also has the features that allow “live” web page links, audio and video to be inserted, users to collaborate in real time. For example, teachers can create a lesson presentation by inserting interactive resources, adding sounds, and importing pictures to enhance students’ understandings of the concept. Teachers also can post their presentation publicly to allow students’ input regarding the lesson in real time. However, I don’t think Prezi allows the insertion of math symbol and equation (at least I didn’t know it) while editing. It challenges me as a math teacher who uses “math sentence” every day!

Overall, the zooming feature is the biggest highlight of Prezi. I’m working on my second Prezi presentation, called Back to School Night. With the added features of background music, videos, images, and zooming in and out, I believe it will attract students and parents’ eyes and open up the classroom to active learning and interactivity, making the presentation understandable, memorable, and fun ("Prezi for Education," n.d.).


Prezi for education. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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